A machine is wonderful ... and a nightmare! Innova, the young, retreating gnome, finds herself in a terrible situation: the gnome court convicts her of an unfortunate accident and has to spend months in the depths of Mount Ráseránts repairing gnome throwers. Meanwhile, he makes an incredible discovery, and soon the entire gnome society is changed by a single machine capable of what a gnome invention has never done before: everything works clockwise and reliably on Ráseránts Hill. Meanwhile, Halion Khargos, a knight of Takhisis, sets out to fulfill his vision: he must occupy Mount Ráseránts.
General Informations | |
Release date | 2002.04.25. |
Language | hungarian |
Publisher | Delta Vision |
Book details | |
Author | Fergus Ryan |
Translator | Norbert Horváth |
Cover painter | Glen Angus |
Pages | 288 pages |
ISBN number | 963 0059 23 1 |
Binding | cardboard |
Fergus Ryan: The siege of Ráseránts Hill
- Brand: Delta Vision
- Product Code: ködragonlance029
- Reward Points: 13
- Availability: 5
- 2,990Ft
- Price in reward points: 260
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Tags: könyv, dragonlance, Fergus Ryan, A Ráseránts-hegy ostroma, káoszháború,