Forty years have passed since the devastating war of chaos, since the gods left Krynn. Cruel, mighty dragons seized power over Ansalon, divided the continent among themselves, and took tribute from the peoples of the subjugated territories.
The heroes of the past are sleeping their already deserved final dream. New heroes take their place to continue the fight against evil.
The world is about to change, we do not yet know the right or wrong direction. A fierce magical storm sweeps through Ansalon, bringing with it floods and fire, bringing death and destruction. A strange, mysterious young girl emerges from the sky war. His fate is intertwined with Krynn's fate, for he alone knows the truth of the future, his future, bound by strange and inexplicable threads to the terrifying secrets of Krynn's past.
General Informations | |
Release date | 2007.04.24. |
Language | hungarian |
Publisher | Delta Vision |
Book details | |
Author | Weis & Hickman |
Translator | Beáta Zarándy |
Cover painter | Matt Stawicki |
Pages | 608 pages |
ISBN number | 978 963 9679 41 2 |
Binding | cardboard |
Weis & Hickman: Dragons of the Reclining Sun
- Brand: Delta Vision
- Product Code: ködragonlance031
- Reward Points: 13
- Availability: 4
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- Price in reward points: 260
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Tags: könyv, dragonlance, Weis & Hickman, A hanyatló nap sárkányai, lelkek háborúja,